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The Best Steaks To Order At A Steakhouse Restaurant

Who doesn’t love tender meat and rich flavors of steak? But as we know the most fundamental element in your steak meal is the perfect cut, therefore, it’s essential for you to know the chewiness, juiciness, age, and final taste of every cut before ordering the steak! So, here’s the list of some popular steak choices that are absolute favorites of every steakhouse:

  • Porterhouse: People often get confused with T-Bone and porterhouse steak. Remember the only difference between them is the thickness of the meat. Porterhouse has a thickness of more than three inches and it is larger than T-bones both in length and breadth. Such thickness of porterhouse allows the meat to get juicier and beefier in its texture. And, this is what makes it a perfect steak for steak enthusiasts.


  • Tenderloin Filet: Filet is the most tender meat which contains relatively lower fats. This is the perfect choice for those who are concerned about their fat intake. Tenderloin Filet steaks taste amazing when served with spicy and creamy sauces. If you are diet conscious, remember that nothing can be better than grilled tender filet!


  • Rib-Eye: Rib-Eye tops the list of steak lovers due to its incredible marbling, tenderness, and juicy texture. The thickness of the rib eye is usually between ¾ and 1 ½ inches and it is best to cook in a highly heated grill or oven. This infuses the aromatic seasonings into every layer of meat and intensifies its naturally delicious flavor. The professional steakhouse chefs make sure that the smoky and exotic flavors are not lost while cooking steak at a high temperature.


  • Sirloin: Sirloin is highly affordable and appears best for those who love to eat giant meals. This meat is relatively less tender and therefore offers amazing beefy flavor with low fats! Since sirloin is thick and becomes dry early, the chefs ensure that it is not overcooked. Also, steakhouse chefs marinade sirloin into the sauce for a longer time so that the flavors of external seasoning spread out evenly. Exotic sirloin steaks and smoky cigars are the best combinations to make your steak dinner more happening!


Wondering where you can get to taste the most authentic and classic steaks? Then it’s time to try Ribnreef-the perfect steakhouse to enjoy exceptional steak meals with exquisite drinks amidst alluring ambiance and a warm welcome.